Friday, May 15, 2020

The Natural Superiority of America in the World Free Essay Example, 1500 words

The French lifestyle is much more conducive to a leisurely and introspective approach to life. It also encourages neighborhood shopping and more interaction with one s neighbors and a more connected way of life. Americans focus on the Protestant work ethic of hard work and sacrifice and have less of a focus on enjoying life on a daily basis. Americans over-value hard work-- the working vacation is not uncommon but even expected in many professions. Fast food, eating on the go, quick meals, drive-thru lunches, coffee to-go, 70 hour work weeks, 2 weeks vacation a year, and shopping at the local cookie-cutter-anonymous mall are standard American lifestyle choices. In fact, America sees those as a point of pride in her citizens lives. Enjoying lifeless and refusing to slow down are typical American badges of honor. What do those French do with their extra time? With more free and leisure time, the French culture naturally has developed a major focus on French achievements and artistic accomplishments while America tends to re-move itself from anything cultural if it interferes with her work-ethic. France takes pride in its centuries of contributions to the arts, humanities, literature, architecture, and music. We will write a custom essay sample on The Natural Superiority of America in the World or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page

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